Tag: appreciative inquiry

Cojocaru, S., Bragaru, C., Ciuchi O.M. 2012. The role of language in constructing social realities. The Appreciative Inquiry and the reconstruction of organisational ideology. Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala,  vol. 36, pp. 31-43 (full article – download free) Abstract The article explores the ways in which language is a factor in the generation of social […]
Cojocaru, S, Bragaru, C. 2012, Using Appreciative Inquiry to Change Perceptions Concerning the Satisfaction of Organization Members’ Needs. Transylvanian Review of Administrative sciences, vol. 35E pages: 62-77 (full article – download free) Asbtract This study explored the innovative use of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) in the organisational environment for changing the perception concerning the satisfaction of […]
Stefan COJOCARU, 2010, Appreciative supervision in social work. New opportunities for changing the social work practice, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala,  29, 72-91. Abstract The practice of social work focuses mainly on solving problems, on reducing dysfunctions, on diminishing deficiencies etc. More often then not, allocating resources for providing problem-centred social services does not […]
Sandu, A., Cojocaru, S., Ponea, S., „Evaluarea apreciativa a programelor de training. Studiu de caz: Centrul de Consultanta si Training Lumen”, Social Research Reports, vol 8, pp. 3-76, ISSN (print): 2066-6861, ISSN (electronic): 2067-5941. Evaluarea apreciativa a programelor de training. Studiu de caz: Centrul de Consultanta si Training Lumen (Full text download – free) [tabs […]
Stefan COJOCARU, 2008, „Evaluarea apreciativa – forma a evaluarii formative”, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol 20/2008, pp.42-48, ISSN: 1583-3410 (tipar), 1584-5397 (electronic) ), acreditata CNCSIS no. 657, categoria A, indexata BDI, ISI Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS, Central and Eastern European Online Library, Index Copernicus, articol cotat ISI (Social Sciences Citation Index). [tabs slidertype=”top tabs” […]