Category: Lecturi recomandate

Recommendations Bernard, J.M., 1979, “Supervision Training: A Discrimination Model”, în  Cousellor Education and Supervision, 19: 60-68. Bernard, J.M., Goodyear, R.G., 1998, Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision (2nd ed.), Needham Heights, MA, Allyn & Bacon. Berne, E., 2003, Jocuri pentru adulţi. Psihologia relaţiilor umane, Bucureşti: Amaltea. Brashears, F., 1995, “Supervision as social work practice: A reconceptualization”, în […]
Reccommendations Barett, F., 1995, “Creating appreciative learning culture”, în Organizaţional Dynamics, vol. 24 (2): 36-49. Barrett, F., Cooperider, D. (2005). Generative metaphor intervention: a new approach for working with systems divided by conflict and caught in defense perception, Cooperrider, D.L., Sorensen, P., Yager, T., Whitney, D., Appreciative inquiry. Foundation in positive organization development, Champaign, Illinois: […]
  Recommendations Abma, T., 2006, “The practice and politics of responsive evaluation”, American  journal of evaluation, vol. 27, pp. 31-43. Abma, T., Stake, R., 2001, „Stake’s responsive evaluation: core ideas and evolution”, New directions for evaluation, 92, pp. 7-21. Bamberg, M., 2000, „The evaluation of international development programs: a view from the front”, American journal […]
Recommendations Barrett, F., Cooperider, D. (2005). Generative metaphor intervention: a new approach for working with systems divided by conflict and caught in defense perception, Cooperrider, D.L., Sorensen, P., Yager, T., Whitney, D., Appreciative inquiry. Foundation in positive organization development, Champaign, Illinois: Stipes Publishing, 151-178. Baudrillard, J., (1996). Strategiile fatale, Iaşi: Polirom. Berger P.T., şi Luckmann, […]