About me

Prof.univ.dr. Department of Sociology, Social Work and Human Resources, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political, Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași

Presedinte, Asociatia HoltIS

Short Biography

Stefan Cojocaru is a PhD Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Assistance of the Faculty of Philosophy, University “Al.I. Cuza” from Iasi, where he teaches the methodology of sociological research, the methodology of developing intervention projects, supervision in social work, appreciative methods of research and social intervention at the family level, appreciative methods of intervention in the field of community security. He has a degree in sociology and political science. He has obtained awards from the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University: The most valuable doctoral thesis submitted within the Faculty of Philosophy and Social – Political Sciences (2005), the Award for promoting innovation through appreciative methods (2007), the “Dimitrie Gusti” Award of the Romanian Academy (2012). He has a rich experience as a trainer in the field of social assistance and child protection, in the evaluation of programs and social services, evaluation in the field of public health, in the management of the implementation of programs and in the coordination of national research on child protection in Romania. He published numerous studies and researches in the field of sociology, social assistance and public health in which he addressed contemporary aspects of theories and practice in the fields of social and public health.


H-Index Web of Science (Clarivate): 13

H-Index SCOPUS: 13

H-Index Google Scholar: 23

Experience in social services

Ștefan Cojocaru worked in the field of social services, including roles in placement centers, the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Iași, and various non-governmental organizations. He contributed to the development of new social services as part of Holt International Children’s Services, which were later scaled up at the national level. Holt was the first organization in Romania to establish foster care programs for abandoned children and HIV-positive children. It also developed the country’s first maternal center, as well as social work offices in maternities, hospitals, pediatric units, and community clinics.

Starting in 2000, Ștefan Cojocaru participated in the implementation of the most advanced parenting program in Romania and contributed to the development of the concept and practice of Appreciative Parenting.

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