Tag: case management

Cojocaru, S., Cojocaru, D., Bunea, O., (2009). Evaluarea serviciilor din perspectiva managementului de caz. Biroul antisaracie, reducerea excluderii sociale şi prevenirea violentei domestice, DGASPC Bacau [Evaluation the services from case management perspective. Services anti-poverty, reducing social exclusion and prevent domestic violence, Department for Social Work and Child Protection Bacau County], Social Research Reports, vol 6, pp. […]
Cojocaru, S., Cojocaru, D., Bunea, O., (2009). Evaluarea serviciilor din perspectiva managementului de caz. Biroul pentru strategii, programe si proiecte in domeniul asistentei sociale si protectiei copilului, DGASPC Bacau [Evaluation the services from case management perspective. Office for strategies, programs and projects in social assistance and child protection, Department for Social Work and Child Protection Bacau […]
Cojocaru, S., Cojocaru, D., Bunea, O., (2009).Evaluarea serviciilor din perspectiva managementului de caz. Centrul pentru dezvoltarea deprinderilor de viata independenta, DGASPC Bacau. [Evaluation the services from case management perspective. Center for independent living skills, Department for Social Work and Child Protection Bacau County], Social research Reports, vol. 3, pp. 1-66.  Full text (download) [tabs slidertype=”top […]
Stefan COJOCARU, 2008, “Domestic adoption of children currently in the protection system”, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol 21, pp.73-78, ISSN: 1583-3410 (tipar), 1584-5397 (electronic). [tabs slidertype=”top tabs” fx=”slide”][tabcontainer] [tabtext]Abstract[/tabtext] [tabtext]Keywords[/tabtext] [tabtext]References[/tabtext] [tabtext]Indexing[/tabtext] [/tabcontainer] [tabcontent] [tab]The article proposes an analysis of the evolution of domestic adoption of children in the context of new legislation […]
Director de cercetare (2008): Evaluarea serviciilor din perspectiva managementului de caz: Centrul pentru dezvoltarea deprinderilor de viata independenta, DGASPC Bacau, proiect de cercetare-evaluare finantat de Consiliul Judetean Bacau.