Cojocaru, S., Cojocaru, D., Bragaru, C, Purcaru, R., 2011, The Influence of Religious Affiliation of Vulnerable Families on Their Investments and Consumption Secondary Analysis of a Program Evaluation. Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol. 35, pp. 144-158 (full article download free). Abstract The article presents some of the results of a secondary analysis performed on […]
Cojocaru, S., 2010, Challenges in Using Mix Methods in Evaluation. Postmodern Openings, vol. 3, pp. 34-47. Full text (download)
Director de cercetare (2008): Evaluarea serviciilor din perspectiva managementului de caz: Centrul pentru dezvoltarea deprinderilor de viata independenta, DGASPC Bacau, proiect de cercetare-evaluare finantat de Consiliul Judetean Bacau.