Utilizarea analizei secundare in evaluarea programelor

Cojocaru, S., (2010).Utilizarea analizei secundare in evaluarea programelor [Utilization of Secondary Analysis in Program Evaluation]. Revista de asistenta sociala, Anul IX, no. 4, pp. 63-70.


This article aims to achieve an overview of different types of secondary analysis used in program evaluation and to capture their characteristics. Considered an approach that can contribute to the development of evaluation practice, secondary analysis may constitute a form of meta-analysis of evaluation and improvement program. Beyond its benefits, utilizing secondary analysis of methodological and epistemological range of issues to be taken up and resolved, risks and ethical challenges in strengthening the validity of the approach and results.

Keyword: secondary analysis; meta-analysis; program evaluation; validity; exploratory secondary analysis; descriptive secondary analysis; explanatory secondary analysis.

Hot to cite: Cojocaru, S., (2010).Utilizarea analizei secundare in evaluarea programelor.  Revista de asistenta sociala, Anul IX, no. 4, pp. 63-70.


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