Family strengthening program. Evaluation report

Cojocaru S, Cojocaru D, Ovidiu Bunea, 2010, “Family strengthening program. Evaluation report”, Social Research Reports, vol 14, pp. 3-87.

Family strengthening program. Evaluation report (Full article download – free)

The evaluation aimed at measuring the impact that the Family Strengthening Program run by SOS Children’s Villages in district 1 of Bucharest had on children, families and communities. In order to do this, 125 beneficiaries’ files (86 closed cases and 39 working cases) were analysed. In order to collect quality data, interviews took place with 9 mothers and 6 children and with the program’ staff, as well as focus groups with the beneficiaries whose files were closed, focus groups with beneficiaries from the existent beneficiaries category and focus groups with partners.
Keywords: program evaluation; impact evaluation; theory-based evaluation; family strengthening intervention; social intervention; efficiency; efficacy; sustainability.
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