Evaluarea apreciativa a programelor de training…

Sandu, A., Cojocaru, S., Ponea, S., „Evaluarea apreciativa a programelor de training. Studiu de caz: Centrul de Consultanta si Training Lumen”, Social Research Reports, vol 8, pp. 3-76, ISSN (print): 2066-6861, ISSN (electronic): 2067-5941.

Evaluarea apreciativa a programelor de training. Studiu de caz: Centrul de Consultanta si Training Lumen (Full text download – free)

[tabs slidertype=”top tabs”][tabcontainer] [tabtext]Abstract[/tabtext] [tabtext]Keywords[/tabtext] [tabtext]References[/tabtext] [tabtext]Indexing[/tabtext] [/tabcontainer] [tabcontent] [tab]

Proposed research, performed as a secondary analysis of data on the project “Virtual Center for Training and Consulting” conducted by the Lumen Association, Iasi, is focused on a qualitative hermeneutic analysis. It showed among other innovative features made in analyzing “globalization of communication” and the “social space virtualization” or a „virtualization of the frame of the  social phenomena, “spiritualization of borders (spiritual and cognitive and distances”. Have been highlighted elements about collaborative creativity in developing training programs and the transformation method from the aquarium training method in a research method and also social creativity. Appreciative Inquiry is a particular way to interview subjects and organizational development at the same time to foreshadow future through the adoption of positive relationships based on fundamental inherent positivity person, organization or situation, increasing capacity system of cooperation and change. The method has the fundamental assumption of individuals committed to improve, change and focus on performance.[/tab] [tab]

appreciative inquiry; appreciative evaluation; hermeneutic analysis; space virtualization;  spiritualization of borders and distances; secondary analysis; communication; inovation; creativity; appreciative training; empowerment;

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