TITLUL: Examination of the Factors Relevant To the Prevalence of GBS (Group B Streptococcus) Bacteria Among Jewish Parturients in Northern Israel – A Comparison Between Orthodox and Secular Women Data sustinerii: 09 Decembrie 2022 REZUMAT
TITLUL: Reprezentări ale parentalității si spațiul școlar Data sustinerii: 30 Iunie 2022 REZUMAT
Silvern, R., Cojocaru, S. Interaction between Surrogate Mother and Intended Mother: Sociological Aspects in Surrogacy. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 77, 89-105, DOI: 10.33788/rcis.77.6 Abstract: The surrogacy phenomenon has existed since ancient biblical times in which the barren Sarrai offers her maid Hagar to her husband Abraham to have a child with her. This […]
Cojocaru, S., Appreciative Case Management: Using the Social Constructionism in Social Intervention. Sociologie Romaneasca, 19(2), 45-68. DOI: 10.33788/sr.19.2.2. Abstract The article presents a research in the field of case management, experiencing two forms of it: problem-centered case and appreciative case management. For this, an experiment carried out on a six-month period, during which time we […]