Using Appreciative Inquiry to Change Perceptions Concerning the Satisfaction of Organization Members’ Needs

Cojocaru, S, Bragaru, C. 2012, Using Appreciative Inquiry to Change Perceptions Concerning the Satisfaction of Organization Members’ Needs. Transylvanian Review of Administrative sciences, vol. 35E pages: 62-77 (full article – download free)


This study explored the innovative use of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) in the organisational environment for changing the perception concerning the satisfaction of its members’ needs. The experiment started from the assumption that organisations are social constructions generated by the interpretations social actors have about this entity and about themselves, being the result of
human interactions. The experiment used the Appreciative Inquiry as form of intervention, run in the four stages of the 4-D cycle. The results of the intervention show that, although Appreciative Inquiry was directed chiefly towards changing the perceptions concerning the satisfaction of the need for security, the interpretations given by organisation members changed in regard to the
satisfaction of all needs (security, basic needs, belonging, esteem and self-actualisation). The study shows that motivation can be changed through an appreciative approach of events,  through their reinterpretation within a process of dialogue and consensus; the reinterpretation of the organisation as a text and the application of Appreciative Inquiry principles results in an organisational
reconstruction as a process that can be run in a relatively short period of time. The positive changes of the organisational environment were also a result of the way the organisation was researched. The appreciative interviews resulted in individual reinterpretations of organisational contexts, which were negotiated and assumed in the environment of the collectivity. The changes were supported by the organisation members’ involvement in building a shared vision, in making a plan in which every person is a voice in the organisation, and in developing attachment and ownership in relation to the developed plans.

Keywords: Appreciative Inquiry; needs; motivation; constructionism; security; organisational development; vision; intervention; experimental situation.


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