despre Raportul Comisiei Prezidentiale

28 Septembrie 2009, Comisia prezidentiala: Politicile sociale din Romania sunt inca incoerente (Sursa: Gazeta de Bistrita) „Singura directie în care s-a actionat similar a fost aceea a generozitatii fata de votanti, în special fata de marile categorii precum pensionarii si sindicalistii, angajatii din sectorul public. Incercarile continue de a compensa ineficienta prin generozitate si «pomeni»...

Evaluation the services from case management perspective. Center for independent living skills

Evaluation the services from case management perspective. Center for independent living skills Cojocaru, S., Cojocaru, D., Bunea, O., (2009).Evaluarea serviciilor din perspectiva managementului de caz. Centrul pentru dezvoltarea deprinderilor de viata independenta, DGASPC Bacau. [Evaluation the services from case management perspective. Center for independent living skills, Department for Social Work and Child Protection Bacau County], Social research Reports, vol. 3, pp. 1-66.  Full text...

Clarifying the theory-based evaluation

Clarifying the theory-based evaluation Stefan COJOCARU, 2009, „Clarifying the theory-based evaluation”, Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, vol 26, pp. 76-86, ISSN: 1583-3410 (tipar), 1584-5397 (electronic). Abstract Keywords Indexing The theory-based evaluation is one of the most used directions in evaluation, having the capacity to identify the program elements and their coherence. Beyond its variations, the applicability...