Wellbeing of Students from Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Schools

Cojocaru, S., Tabara, A. (2024). Wellbeing of Students from Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Schools. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 84, 69-90, DOI: 10.33788/rcis.84.5


This article presents data of a quantitative study that aimed to analyze the specifics of the wellbeing of students in disadvantaged secondary schools. A total of 1579 students of gymnasium level from 27 disadvantaged schools in Iasi County, Romania, participated in a survey conducted using the Adolescent Wellbeing Scale (EPOCH). Findings illustrate that pupils from disadvantaged schools have a low level of wellbeing, with different characteristics depending on the gender, age, environment and the level of disadvantage of the school. Results indicate that students from disadvantaged schools are satisfied with their life, develop positive interpersonal relationships, show indifference to involvement in activities and easily abandon their goals. This study confirms the importance of analyzing students’ wellbeing to identify educational strategies that allow schools to be more effective from the perspective of reducing the level of violence and decreasing the level of student demotivation, problems that educational systems face nowadays.


wellbeing; vulnerable children; risk factors; academic achievement; education; social and emotional learning (SEL); wellbeing in school.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33788/rcis.84.5


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