Navigating a Pandemic: Leadership Dynamics and Challenges within Infection Prevention and Control Units in Israel

Chen D, Cojocaru S. Navigating a Pandemic: Leadership Dynamics and Challenges within Infection Prevention and Control Units in Israel. Healthcare; 11(22): 2966;; WOS:001119920600001


This study investigates the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on leadership within infection prevention and control (IPC) units across public hospitals in Israel. Through qualitative interviews with ten IPC managers from nine hospitals, equivalent to 30% of the country’s acute care facilities, the research uncovers significant changes in managerial approaches due to the health crisis. The results reveal four main themes: (1) Enhanced managerial autonomy and leadership skills, with a noted rise in self-efficacy against the pandemic’s backdrop; (2) Shifted perceptions of IPC units by upper management, recognizing their strategic value while identifying the need for a more profound understanding of IPC operations; (3) The increased emphasis on adaptability and rapid decision-making for effective crisis management; (4) The dual effect on job satisfaction and well-being, where greater commitment coincides with risks of burnout. The study underscores the essential nature of effective IPC leadership during emergencies, highlighting the need for clear communication, prompt action, and empathetic leadership. The conclusions point to the necessity for continuous research into IPC leadership, promoting strategic advancements in management to bolster IPC units against future health threats.


infection prevention and control (IPC); healthcare leadership; coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic; managerial challenges; self-efficacy; implementation of the IPC program

How to cite:

Chen D, Cojocaru S. Navigating a Pandemic: Leadership Dynamics and Challenges within Infection Prevention and Control Units in Israel. Healthcare; 11(22): 2966;; WOS:001119920600001


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