Egalitatea de gen. Condiții ale asigurării egalității de gen în educație

Cojocaru, S., Bunea, O., Cojocaru, D., Neculau, C., Patrascu, A.A. (2023). Egalitatea de gen. Condiții ale asigurării egalității de gen în educație. Iasi: Expert Projects


This study focuses on the concept of gender equality in education, examining the role of national and European Union legislation, as well as international frameworks like the United Nations’ CEDAW, in promoting gender parity. The research analyzes the structural causes of gender inequalities and discrimination, highlighting how societal norms and individual stories about gender contribute to these disparities. Special attention is given to barriers in achieving educational equity, considering both access to education and the learning process itself. Additionally, the study explores the significance of parental education programs, addressing gender perspectives in their development and implementation. It examines the gender dynamics within parental education, including the gender of educators, participants, and the challenges of measuring the impact of such programs. Through a thorough review of relevant policies and strategies, the study suggests practical measures to enhance gender equality in education, advocating for the continuous promotion of gender-sensitive practices in both school curricula and extracurricular activities. The findings emphasize the need for greater attention to gender equality in educational policies and the importance of fostering an inclusive environment for both women and men in Romania and across the European Union.


Gender Equality; Parental Education; Discrimination; Access to Education; Barriers in Education; Gender and Education; National Legislation.

How to cite

Cojocaru, S., Bunea, O., Cojocaru, D., Neculau, C., Patrascu, A.A. (2023). Egalitatea de gen. Condiții ale asigurării egalității de gen în educație. Iasi: Expert Projects.


Study conducted within the project ‘Quality Inclusive Education: Facilitate Transition from Lower to Upper Secondary Education – Parental Education Component’, implemented by the HoltIS, with the support of the UNICEF in Romania.


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