Cojocaru, S., Cojocaru, D., Bunea, O., Radoi, M., Asavoaei, C., Ursan, M., 2010, “The prevalence of drug use among students of Iasi”, Social Research Reports, vol 7, pp. 1-54, ISSN (print): 2066-6861, ISSN (electronic): 2067-5941.
The prevalence of drug use among students of Iasi (Full text download .pdf)
[tabs slidertype=”top tabs” fx=”slide”][tabcontainer] [tabtext]Abstract[/tabtext] [tabtext]Keywords[/tabtext] [tabtext]References[/tabtext] [tabtext]Indexing[/tabtext] [/tabcontainer] [tabcontent] [tab]The purpose of the research is to estimate the number of drug users among students of the universities from Iasi, to identify students’ behavior towards the use of drugs, drug purchase offer, solutions to reduce the use of drugs. Research using mix methods for estimating the number of drug users using a representative survey, the use of focus groups to obtain qualitative information.[/tab] [tab]drugs; mix methods; survey; prevalence; students; weed shops;[/tab] [tab]Abraham P., (coord.) 2008, Scientific benchmarks of the use of drugs in Romanian society, Ed. Napoca Star, Cluj Napoca;
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http://www.emcdda. [/tab] [tab]ACM Digital Library Association Rusia; Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois; Birmingham Public Library; Brigham Young University; Center for Teaching and Learning Resources in Central Taiwan; Central Taiwan University of Science and Tehnology; Chung Yuan Christian University Taiwan; City University London; Dayang International Korea; DOAJ (Directory of Open Acces Journals); Eastern Michigan University; EBSCO; Ecole Centrale Lyon, France; Feng Chia University Taiwan; Find e-Journal, Korea; Georgetown University; Hsing Wu College; Ideas RePEc; Index Copernicus International; Katolinska Institutet ,Sweden; Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan Universitet Stockholm; Library of Congress; National Cheng Kung University Taiwan; National Ilan University Taiwan; Prince of Songkla University, Thailand; RugLinks Netherlands; San Jose State University; Shih Hsin University; SSRN (Social Science Research Network); Syracuse University SUA; Technische Universität Berlin; The Open University UK; The Tsinghua University China; UC Davis University of California, SUA; Ulrichsweb; Universita della Zvizzera Italiana, Lugano; Universitat Hamburg, Germania; Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg; Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada; Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3; Universiteit Gent Belgium; University of Missouri, SUA; University of Ottawa Canada; University of Tennessee Chattanooga SUA; University of Washington; University Town of Shenzhen, China; Uniwersytet Wroctawski Polonia.[/tab] [/tabcontent] [/tabs]
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